Priorities for the 79th session of the General Assembly, including implementation of the Pact for the Future
26 February 2025
Remarks by Mr. Philemon Yang, President, UN General Assembly
Thank you for organizing today’s briefing. I intend to brief you on my priorities for the General Assembly and its work during the 79th session.
I recognise that to deliver effectively on our commitments, New York and Geneva need to work together.
The challenges we face, such as climate change, increasing inequalities, poverty, and the proliferation of conflict are extraordinary. To succeed we must act collaboratively as one United Nations.
Since assuming the functions of President of the General Assembly, I have encouraged cooperation and partnership throughout the work of the Assembly.
The theme of my Presidency is: “Unity in diversity, for the advancement of peace, sustainable development and human dignity for everyone everywhere”.
Within this framework, I have outlined a series of priorities based on the three interconnected pillars of the work of the United Nations: human rights, peace and security, and sustainable development.
First, I am committed to upholding human rights – and preserving human dignity – throughout the 79th session.
On this front, I held one of my first signature events last month, which focused on preserving human dignity in armed conflicts.
We all witness the appalling and heart-breaking loss of life and suffering of civilians in armed conflicts. Civilian infrastructure, including schools and hospitals, in Gaza, Sudan, Ukraine and elsewhere are also targeted.
At the event, held in partnership with the International Committee of the Red Cross, I reiterated that even wars have rules.
Compliance with international humanitarian law is non-negotiable.
Looking ahead, I also plan to hold a signature event on the issue of child labour, in partnership with the International Labour Organization. We intend to stress that children should live a childhood in dignity, and to spotlight actions to eliminate child labour, including the recruitment of children for use in armed conflict.
Second, I am committed to prioritising peace.
Specifically, I will convene a High-Level thematic debate on the multi-faceted aspects of peace and security in Africa and the future of peacekeeping. We support United Nations-funded peace operations led by the African Union. This is also the spirit of Security Council resolution 2719 (2023).
This event, to be held in June, will emphasise the critical role of regional organisations in maintaining international peace and security.
Additionally, in March I will convene a joint meeting of the General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council to discuss the effect of small arms and light weapons on peace and development. A coordinated global response is essential to address this scourge to not only peace and security but also to our development efforts.
Third, under sustainable development, I will advocate for two critical tools to turbocharge the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals:
First, through adequate and reliable financing, and
Second, through the power of innovation and digitalisation.
The Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development will be a key moment to aim at closing the financing gap for development.
I will support advocacy efforts that lead to more substantial and accessible financing, including through the reform of the international financial architecture, to better serve the long-term development needs of developing countries.
As part of this advocacy effort, I was pleased to co-convene the annual Parliamentary Hearing, just two weeks ago in New York.
The Hearing, organised with the Inter-Parliamentary Union, underscored the critical role of parliamentarians in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, including in unlocking financing.
Looking ahead, I will be spotlighting efforts to unlock the potential of digitalisation to accelerate sustainable development including in Africa, such as the Timbuktoo initiative of the United Nations Development Programme.
In this regard, I will convene a multistakeholder dialogue. Our aim is to discuss the recommendations contained in the report of the Secretary-General on the review of the implementation of commitments made toward Africa’s development.
In addition to the priorities I have outlined, three others stand as cross-cutting areas of focus: gender equality, multilingualism, and dialogue.
On gender equality, I am humbled to have recently been designated as an international gender champion.
This was not an award but a call to duty. While advancing gender equality is a collective responsibility, it is especially incumbent upon those of us in positions of influence to champion gender equality in all our actions.
Acting in this spirit, I have re-constituted the Advisory Board on Gender Equality. This Board will guide me on the best ways and means of integrating a gender perspective in the work of the General Assembly and in all my activities and events.
Together, we will focus on advancing women’s economic empowerment and the implementation of the gender related actions of the Pact for the Future.
This year we celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. It is an opportunity to renew the call to action, to uphold the human rights of all women and girls. We will continue to make meaningful strides toward the achievement of gender equality.
Consultations are ongoing on the preparations for the high-level meeting to commemorate the thirtieth anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women. The High-level meeting would be held during the Assembly’s High-Level week in September 2025.
We should address the issue of multilingualism at the United Nations.
I am pleased to note that I have assembled a Multilingualism Task Force within my Office. This Task Force has produced an action plan that includes an appeal for funding to ensure we can provide more resources to deliver our outputs in more official languages.
It is my hope that future Presidents of the General Assembly will recommit to multilingualism, with the tools and resources needed to maintain this principle of the United Nations. I was pleased to have held an informal dialogue with some Permanent Representatives on this important topic recently in New York.
That dialogue – the first in a series of informal, off the record exchanges – is being held under the appellation of ‘Palaver Tree Dialogues’.
In the spirit of its name, which is well-known across much of Africa, it is a space for candid reflections and for participants to come together in the spirit of multilateral dialogue.
We plan to hold further Palaver Tree discussions on other important topics.