Press Release

“What it takes: Advancing the Pact for the Future for Global Peace and Sustainable Development” Doha Forum

08 December 2024

 Keynote remarks by Mr. Philemon Yang, President, UN General Assembly

I sincerely thank the Government of Qatar and the International Peace Institute for inviting me to attend this esteemed Doha Forum. 

I am honoured to deliver the keynote address on the topic of this important event focusing on “What it takes: Advancing the Pact for the Future for Global Peace and Sustainable Development”

In other words, how do we translate into action, the commitments of the Pact for the Future which was adopted less than three months ago? 

Translating the commitments of the Pact into action means that we all must resolutely act to win and sustain peace wherever it has been broken, advance sustainable development where there is poverty, and ensure a dignified future on a healthy planet, for all. 

The Pact for the Future is the fruit of almost two years of hard negotiations, capturing inputs not just from United Nations Member States but also from international, regional and civil society organizations. It is therefore a true product of the international community. 

The Pact, in fact, represents a recommitment to multilateralism, a new beginning -- an affirmation of our shared determination to continue using international cooperation to solve global problems. 

It is only through multilateralism that challenges facing the international community can be addressed effectively.   

Hence, as a product of multilateralism, the Pact for the Future can enable human society to accelerate progress in many fields, including: 

  • The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,
  • The Addis Ababa Action Agenda, and
  • The Paris Agreement on climate change, amongst others. 

The Pact aims to ensure that the United Nations is capable to deal with the 21st century problems, and can act in concert with other institutions, such as the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organization and many others, which are vital to fulfilling our commitments and rising to new challenges and opportunities 

The adoption of the Pact marked a key moment when Member States, international, regional and civil society organizations all contributed toward a common goal, our vision for the future.

The Pact for the Future was a process in its elaboration. It will be, also, a process in its implementation. Not an event. 

Therefore, almost three months after its adoption, the implementation process must begin now. Understanding “implementation”, itself, and planning for it, must be the first step in this process.

This means knowing the barriers, particularly in developing countries, that can complicate implementation such as financing, capacity-building, partnership. It also means identifying areas where advocacy and outreach, information-sharing and lessons learned can ease efforts at the national, regional and global levels. 

To succeed, the implementation of the Pact will require exhaustive global efforts by all stakeholders – from Member States and international organizations to civil society, youth and the private sector. All key players playing their different roles. 

In the Pact for the Future, World Leaders have committed to build and sustain peaceful, inclusive and just societies, and address the root causes of conflict. 

This commitment also includes the reform of the UN Security Council to make it more representative, inclusive, transparent, democratic and accountable. 

As the principal organ for the maintenance of international peace and security, a reformed Security Council would be better equipped in addressing the many armed conflicts plaguing the world.

From Gaza to Ukraine and Haiti to Sudan, we know that achieving global peace – as difficult as it may seem – requires dialogue, rigorously pursued on the basis of international law and the principles of the Charter of the United Nations. 

We also know that peace and security, human rights and sustainable development, the three pillars of the United Nations, are interdependent – one cannot truly flourish without the others. 

This interdependency of the three pillars of the work of the United Nations is also captured in the Pact for the Future. The topic of our gathering here today is therefore of utmost relevance. 

The Pact for the Future is clear that its implementation should happen now so that by 2028 we are on course towards the more sustainable future we want for ourselves, our children and all generations to come. 

This means that we must move without delay to carry out key actions which include: 

  • Firstly, strengthening our actions to address climate change and biodiversity loss,
  • Secondly, seizing the opportunities presented by science, technology and innovation
  • Thirdly, accelerating reform of the international financial architecture, mobilizing financing for those who need it most. 

Let us use this momentum to advance ongoing processes, including the preparations for the Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development. Let us also spare no effort in an effective preparation of the Second World Summit on Social Development. 

These two major conferences will be held in 2025. Their success will be, without doubt, an integral part of implementing the Pact for the Future. 

In adopting the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in 2015, States pledged to free humanity from the tyranny of poverty, hunger and want. 

We have the obligation to fulfil that pledge in the interest of the current and future generations. 

As the Pact rightly affirms “the choice is ours”. And as one thinker once put it, “the choices we make, will make us”.

I commend those states and institutions that have already initiated implementation activities. 

I recognize the great work underway at the United Nations Secretariat in laying a solid implementation framework. I salute the great contribution of Secretary-General Antonio Gutteres throughout the Pact for the Future process. 

My own Office is actively working on a plan of activities which will be rolled out soon in support of Member States to shape and accelerate the implementation of the Pact. 

I hope all parties will join us in this endeavour and work together in the spirit of the Pact for the Future, to rebuild the foundations for trust and cooperation. 

The goal is to usher in a safer, more equal and prosperous world for all.

I thank you.


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