Press Release

9th Conference on Effective Partnership for Better Humanitarian Aid

12 May 2024

Caption: Photo: UN

Message of UN Secretary-General António Guterres

Salaam aleikum. It is an honour to address you today. 

The war in Gaza is causing horrific human suffering -- devastating lives, tearing families apart, and rendering huge numbers of people homeless, hungry, and traumatised.

But amid the darkness, the commitment of the humanitarian community to help and support people is a ray of light. 

Humanitarian agencies, led by UNRWA -- which is the backbone of the UN’s efforts in Gaza -- rely on strong partnerships to do their work.   

I thank the Government of Kuwait, the International Islamic Charity Organization, and their strategic partners, for everything they do to promote and support effective partnerships for humanitarian aid. 

Kuwait has always been a beacon of humanitarian aid. This commitment is demonstrated once again in your support for people in Gaza.

I repeat my call – the world’s call – for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire, the unconditional release of all hostages, and an immediate surge in humanitarian aid. 

But a ceasefire will only be the start. It will be a long road back from the devastation and trauma of this war.

The people of Gaza will need even stronger and deeper partnerships for humanitarian assistance and long-term development, to get back on their feet and rebuild their lives. 

Many of Kuwait’s people feel this personally, having witnessed a deep crisis and experienced your own recovery. 

I know the people of Gaza can count on your support and partnership – and that of governments, charitable organizations and humanitarian agencies across the region. 

Thank you. 


UN entities involved in this initiative

United Nations
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East

Goals we are supporting through this initiative