World leaders pledge action on humanity’s biggest challenges

01 October 2024
India has joined the world’s countries in adopting the Pact for the Future, a landmark declaration pledging concrete actions towards a safer, more peaceful, sustainable and inclusive world for future generations.

Meeting at UN Headquarters in New York on 22 September for the Summit of the Future, world leaders adopted the Pact – along with the Global Digital Compact and the Declaration on Future Generations – by consensus.
By endorsing the Pact, UN Member States agreed to turbo-charge efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and fulfil the terms of the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change.

Leaders pledged to listen more to young people and include them in decision-making, while also building stronger relationships with civil society, the private sector, and local and regional authorities. They further committed to intensifying efforts to protect civilians in armed conflict and address the root causes of these conflicts.
The Pact has five broad focus areas: sustainable development; international peace and security; science and technology; youth and future generations; and transforming global governance.

The Global Digital Compact outlines commitments to ensure that digital technologies contribute to sustainable development and human rights, while addressing risks like digital divides, cybersecurity, and the misuse of technology.

Governments are now obligated to form an impartial worldwide Scientific Panel on AI and start an international conversation about AI governance inside the UN.

The Declaration on Future Generations focuses on securing the well-being of future generations and highlighting the need to include their interests in decision-making.

These three documents were adopted following months of intergovernmental negotiations. Speaking afterwards, Philémon Yang, President of the General Assembly, urged countries to move forward in a spirit of solidarity.
“The path we choose must lead to a future where human dignity is respected and human rights are upheld,” he said. “A future where peace transcends the mere absence of conflict and is grounded in justice, inclusion, and equity.”

UN Secretary-General António Guterres stressed that “people everywhere are hoping for a future of peace, dignity and prosperity. They are crying out for global action to solve the climate crisis, tackle inequality, and address new and emerging risks that threaten everyone.”
He added that people “see the United Nations as essential to solving these challenges.”

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, speaking at the Summit of the Future, said that “global action must match global ambition” when it comes to tackling emerging sources of threat such as the cyber, maritime and space fields.
“The success of humanity lies in our collective strength, not in the battlefield,” he said. “And for global peace and development, reforms in global institutions are essential.”