12 August 2022 - 12 August 2024
UN India Yuwaah Advocates
To inspire and gather the support for and of India’s 350+ million young people towards the Sustainable Development Goals, UN agencies in India have appointed the first-ever UN India YuWaah Advocates. This cohort of UN India YuWaah Advocates comprises 6 young individuals from diverse backgrounds.
UN entities involved in this initiative
RCO, UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF, UNVSustainable Development Goals
Contact information
About the initiative
United Nations Secretary General says that he "believes in the power of young people. Peace, economic dynamism, social justice, tolerance, all these and more depend on tapping into the potential of youth”.
Young people are the key for COVID recovery and a sustainable future. The future belongs to young people, and their voices and aspirations are the most components of our collective progress.
To inspire and gather the support for and of India’s 350+ million young people towards the Sustainable Development Goals, UN in India and YuWaah have come together to appoint UN India YuWaah Advocates, with the ethos of ‘nothing about us, without us’.
Grassroots sustainability champions from across India, the advocates will undergo a comprehensive induction and orientation programme where they will be exposed to mentorship opportunities with existing UN Ambassadors, digital influencers and UN agencies. Upon the completion of the two-year contract, the class of UN India YuWaah Advocates will then in turn, act as role models or mentors for the future incoming Advocates.
UN India Youth Advocates
Mohammad Siraj, 26 years, West Bengal

• He founded The Pahchan Foundation, that has launched an initiative to clean up the dirty Ganga river – ‘Insan Teri Ganga Maily’.
• Through the campaign, the total collection of garbage has reached more than 4500+Kgs in 80 weeks from two Ghats (Titagarh Ghat and Glass Kal Ghat).
• His mission is to build the world’s largest environmental movement by activating individuals and governments to invest in our planet, to especially focus on SDGs number 13 ,14 and 15.
• Siraj is also a V-Force Coordinator with UNV India, and acting as West Bengal Coordinator and organising various activities on ecological sustainability.
Bhavi Barad, 25 years, New Delhi

• Bhavi is a development professional working on youth rights, agency, and leadership by creating safe spaces for young people.
• Currently, she works at Pravah, a youth development organization where she leads programs at the with young people nationally - one focused on learning loss during COVID, and the other focusing on dialogues for building harmony in communities.
• She aspires to create an inclusive, peaceful, and just society where young people, being a crucial stakeholder, participate in building a world where no one is left behind. She does this through creating experiential learning journeys where young people understand themselves better, assert their voices, engage with social realities, and lead sustainable social action projects.
Ankita Sehdev, 24 years, Haryana

• Her initiative – EXCEPTIONALS - pairs disabled and non-disabled volunteers to sensitize each other on their respective lived realities, foster allies for youth with disabilities and promote harmony.
• Through awareness sessions and interactive activities, especially with marginalised communities, Ankita and her team advocate for more equitable and accessible programs for people with disabilities. They also conducted a Donation Drive to counter the ideology that persons with disability can only receive donations, and cannot contribute. Through the SkillUp Initiative, they made persons with disability comfortable with technological skills, trained them to type and gave English-speaking classes.
• Through her change-making journey, Ankita was able to meet several young people with disability, who serve as champions for equity and access, and hopes to be a similar ambassador for people within her social sphere of influence.
• She is also a classically trained singer and has won a beauty pageant to specifically spotlight youth with disabilities. She wants to work on life skills for everyone, especially persons with disability.
Soumya Ranjan Biswal, 25 years, Odisha

• Soumya is on a mission to protect Olive Ridley Sea Turtles, which are threatened by poachers, pollution and climate change; and restoration of Mangroves, Salt Marshes and Sand dune plants.
• He trained a cadre of around 100 youth volunteers for the conservation of sea turtles and other wildlife on a sustainable and scientific basis in different districts of Odisha state. He also sensitizes local fishing communities regarding overfishing and protection of marine life.
• Through more than 250 beach clean-up activities undertaken on the nesting beaches in the area, around 15 tons of plastics, polythene bags, discarded fishing nets and other solid wastes were cleared from nesting beaches through community participation till date.
• He is driven by a sense of climate justice for the welfare of the generations that will come after him, and currently working on a sensitization programme pilot to promote organic farming in the tribal community for biodiversity conservation. His campaign was also featured in Limca Book of Records.
Mansi Thakar, 25 years, Gujarat

• One of UNEP’s Tide Turner Plastic Champions, Mansi started her environmental journey as a member of the environment conservation club initiated by her friend. The club has over 200 members from Mahua to carry out beach cleanings and maintenance on a regular basis for the past 2 years.
• Her efforts brought back Gangetic Dolphins, and masked booby to hatch their eggs. Earlier, hatching was not possible due to increased plastic pollution on the shore of beaches but now, dolphins are back and their population has started to increase day by day.
• Mansi involved local communities in coastal areas of Mahuva in beach cleaning drives and their maintenance. A system of waste collection, segregation and recycling with the help of the Forest Department was set up by Mansi and her club in order to sustain their efforts. She also works with the local community to ensure Green Ganesh Visarjan.
• She continues this work till date and makes an effort to remove all plastics from the coastal areas and discarding ghost fishing gears.
Mursal Mohammadi, 23 years, New Delhi

• Mursal Mohammadi fled Afghanistan in 2017 and moved to India, where she became the leader of a youth club in BOSCO (a UNHCR partner), where they provided opportunities for refugee youths to participate in educational and social activities.
• The club has over 200 members and offers educational and social activities on a variety of topics including SGBV, climate change, health, child marriage, and drug abuse.
• In 2021, she participated the Journalism Mentorship program by UNHCR New York where she wrote a letter about the importance of education for refugees in UNHCR GLOBAL APPEL 2021. She also participated the Visual storytelling program by UNHCR India where she did a project on ‘Home and Belongingness’, the collective book on her project – ‘Home and Belongingness’ was published by UNHCR in April 2022.
• Currently, she is a photographer and visual storyteller. Her work focuses on gender equality, refugee and displacement, and societal inequalities. She hopes to amplify the voices of her fellow refugees through the power of visual storytelling.